Printable Christmas Quizzes Quiz Index
Bible Index
Jesus Quiz
- How many apostles did Jesus have?
- Which city is the childhood home of Jesus?
- Which one of the disciples objected to having his feet washed by Jesus?
- Which three gifts were given by the wise men to the baby Jesus?
- When Jesus arrives in Bethany, who does he raise from his death?
- True or false? Jesus and the disciples ate fish and water at at the Last Supper?
- What was the name of Jesus' mother?
- How many loaves of bread did Jesus use in the feeding of the five thousand?
- Name the site outside Jerusalem's walls where Jesus was crucified?
- What was the occupation of Jesus' father Joseph?
- Who was the Roman-appointed governor of Syria-Palestine at the time of Jesus crucification?
- It is generally agreed by historians that Jesus spoke which language?
- What did Bartimaeus regain when he met Jesus near Jericho?
- Jesus' first miracle was at the wedding feast in Cana; what miracle did he perform?
- Twelve
- Nazareth (however, Jesus was born in Bethlehem)
- Peter
- Gold, Frankincence, and Myrrh
- Lazarus
- Calvary (Golgotha is also a name sometimes given to the site)
- Mary
- Five
- False. They ate bread and wine.
- Carpenter
- Pontius Pilate
- Aramaic
- His sight (Jesus cured him of blindness)
- Turned water into wine