Printable Christmas Quizzes Quiz Index
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Quiz Questions
- Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world, is on which continent?
- Which language is the most spoken in the world: English, Spanish, or Mandarin Chinese?
- Which large river flow through London?
- True or False? Antarctica is the southernmost continent and site of the South Pole?
- Alaska is a big state in which country?
- Which city in Italy is famous for its leaning tower?
- Dublin is the largest city on which country?
- What is Ben Nevis?
- What is the capital of France?
- Can you name the ocean that seperates the United States of America from Britain and Europe?
- Aborigines are the native original peoples of which country?
- Which country is just north of the USA?
- Which country is north of South Korea?
- Which European country on a map resembles a big boot kicking little Sicily?
- Asia (in the Himalayan mountain range)
- Mandarin Chinese
- Thames
- True
- The United States of America (oftem just called America)
- Pisa
- Ireland
- It's a Scottish mountain and the tallest in Great Britain
- Paris
- Atlantic
- Australia
- Canada
- North Korea
- Italy