Printable Christmas Quizzes Quiz Index
Bible Index
- How many books are there in the bible (including both Old and New Testaments)?
- Which king ordered the Massacre of the Innocents in an atempt to kill the baby Jesus?
- From which part of Adam's body did God create Eve?
- Which giant Philistine warrior was defeated by a young boy called David?
- Who is the oldest person mentioned in the bible?
- Can you name the first book of the bible?
- What became of Lot's wife when she looked back at Sodom?
- According to the Book of Revelation, where is the prophesied location of the 'end of times' final battle?
- When Noah sent out a dove for a second time what did it return with?
- Name the mountain that Naoh's ark come to rest on?
- Who betrayed Samson?
- Who held out his staff to have the Red Sea parted by God? In which book is this story?
- Jesus is baptized by John the Baptist in which river?
- The story of the writing on the wall in the Book of Daniel, was at which king's feast?
- 66
- Goliath
- A rib
- King Herod
- Methuselah
- Genesis
- She became a pillar of salt
- Armageddon
- Olive branch
- Mount Ararat
- Delilah
- Moses. It was in Exodus.
- River Jordan
- Belshazzar