Easter Quiz for Kids
Easter is a religious festival and holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.
Easter Quiz Questions
- True or false? The Easter Bunny is a symbol of Easter depicted as a rabbit bringing Easter eggs?
- What is the name given to the Friday that is a Christian holiday two days before Easter Sunday?
- What name is given to the Sunday before Easter?
- Which chocolate company makes the Creme Egg?
- In the United Kingdom, what sort of buns are eaten on Easter?
- Which Thursday is the Christian holy day falling on the Thursday before Easter?
- The island called Easter Island belongs to which rather long and skinny South American country?
- In the United States, where is the famous Easter Egg Roll annual event held?
- Christians celebrate Easter Sunday as being the day of which event in the bible?
- What name is given to the final meal that Jesus shared with his apostles?
- Which famous composer, back in 1933, introduced the Easter Bonnet into popular culture with his ballad "Easter Parade"?
- In the United States, Easter comes second only to which celebration, in terms of chocolate sales?
- Which jewellery firm created the very expensive Russian jewelled eggs?
- What four letter name is given to the 40-day period of reflection and preparation before the celebrations of Easter?
- True
- Good Friday
- Palm Sunday
- Cadbury
- Hot Cross Buns
- Maundy Thursday
- Chile
- White House (on the White House South Lawn)
- Jesus Christ's resurrection
- The Last Supper
- Irving Berlin
- Halloween
- Faberge
- Lent